Sunday, April 08, 2007


all right. i updated some of the links on my blog. so that way, i can access those sites via my blog and not have to navigate through a maze of other people's blogs to finally get there. okae. that was exaggeration. but yea. now my life is slightly easier.

yeap. today i saw something on the front page of the newspaper that annoyed me. see lah. this sort of thiings. give bad name to everybody else. haiz. wish it wasn't so screwed up. too bad lorh. its just meant to be.

anyway, i drew up plans to create two mega konversions for my table top army. one's going to be an inquisitor and the other is going to be grey knight grand master azrael! lol. i just need someone with a paypal account to help me buy some bitz from ebay so i can do my konversions. speaking of ebay, i do need to pay ken tomorrow for helping me buy the shirt. wonder when its coming.

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